Working with Essie has given me a compassion and understanding of myself that has been truly game changing. The way Essie holds space is so affirming. To be met with acceptance and non judgment for what is has allowed me to find the confidence to begin to trust my heart, mind and body in a way that I couldn’t before. They have helped amplify what is already inside of me and given me tools to explore what my needs are and perhaps more importantly, what it is I truly desire.

Essie reflects back to me, as a mirror would, what is already in my mind/heart or the parts of myself that I want to push away but instead they help me meet them with acceptance and care. Essie is not there to fix or solve but rather with patience and warmth, give me the time and space needed to learn to listen to the wisdom that’s already deep inside my bones.

Working with Essie has taught me how to show up in my life more consciously and to work with the information my nervous system is sending me instead of against it. When I do this, I am able to respond to the world around me rather than be reactively going through my days. When I commit to working on myself I show up better for those around me, I am more rested, less resentful and I can ask for my needs to be met.

One of the biggest gifts is the partnership Essie has helped me to cultivate with my inner child. Their love and space holding has provided a safe place for me to get to know my inner child and for us to build trust in each other. With this trust in place, I have been able to engage with visioning techniques to help me journey with my inner child and learn all the ways that I try to keep myself safe but in turn actually stop myself from having the love, playfulness and ease that I truly desire. The more I listen to my inner child, the more they learn to trust that I can keep them safe and show up for us so they don’t have to. This awareness has allowed me to tap in to my creativity and joy with more ease. When I create more space and time for pockets of joy in my days, I notice that I have more space and time for my kids and my husband too.” Debs

Working with Essie was transformational. To begin was I was very worried that my life as a home schooling mother wasn't worth thinking about and that I didn't really have any goals or aspirations at this point in my life. Essie created a very safe space in which I felt able to explain my worries, and this underlying feeling that I wasn't worth spending time on. And then everything started shifting and growing. Essie has this amazing ability to listen very deeply and to find the underlying truth.  She was able to work with me to reach a new understanding of where I am in my life and what I need to do for my own needs.  At the end of each session I came away feeling more worthwhile and secure of my place in this world.  She is basically FUCKING AWESOME.” Senara

Essie is naturally brilliant at what she does. I’m not even sure how to put my finger on what she does for me, so I call her my “spiritual life coach”, but that doesn’t even cover it. She guides me through vision quests from wherever I’m sitting to the places I need to imagine for myself; revealing obscured obstacles and possibilities for future growth. She is never prescriptive or leading— she only asks questions that ring bells of recognition, memory and awareness, reminding me someplace deep inside, I already know. After only a few sessions so far, I’ve already begun to visualize, dream and write my way out of the emotional inertia that has kept me immoble for a whole year. I believe that with Essie’s gift of guidance, I will soon take steps from my imagination into my daily life towards a destination that is liberating and joyful.” Heather

Since the work we’ve done together, I’ve noticed a shift in the way I talk to myself, the inner dialogue in my head is so much kinder. I’ve been working more with my inner child, she feels more loved and seen now. This radiates out into my everyday life with my family.

I’m also able to hold the space in a calm way for my children’s big feelings to be pressed. This is because of the tools you taught me, so I can soothe myself in those moments.

You made me recognise that my needs and nervous system matter, the missing piece to my respectful parenting experience.” Alice

I really appreciate these sessions, the grace, care acceptance, guidance, honesty and patience Essie gives has really changed my life. Being able to make peace with my body... I never, ever would've dreamed it was possible. Thank you doesn't sum it up!” Hilda

These sessions changed my life, they changed my family’s life.” Michelle

The Space for Change is what Essie is offering; a place to be held, to be seen, and to be witnessed in the commitment that you are making for yourself. 

Of course my kids and my husband pulled out all the stops, with my consent of course, and so I arrived on zoom a bit late and a bit frazzled but also dedicated and slightly amused.

Essie greeted me with her signature compassion, empathy and acceptance. She is one of the most approachable people I know. She’s easy to talk to and with, and the session is like a walk in a magical woods with a safe and caring companion who keeps you on the path while you turn inward and look at the monsters in your inner lake who are trying to drag you down.

Essie sat as still and as loving as a cypress while I cried and dove, over and over. She listened so intently (and made notes so I didn't have to!) and looked with me as I brought up treasure and tragedy from the depths of stillness.

She acknowledged each piece, waiting and asking me the most truth-seeking questions to unravel my limits and my stories around why I shouldn't have the gorgeous life with myself and my children and my partner and the earth that I wanted.

Essie validated that whatever depth I wanted to go to that it was the right-for-now dive and to trust it.

To be held like a baby and a volcano and a goddess all at the same time helped me see and create a new vision for my relationship with myself.

I still feel grateful for how those insights, co-created with Essie's deep, intuitive and authentic caring, are moving forward in my heartmind, gracing me with more capacity to hold myself as sacred, all throughout the day.” Tara